There are few brands that rival Chanel when it comes to buying an investment handbag. The Chanel classic flap bag was originally created by Coco Chanel in the 1920s, it became popularly known as the 2.55 flap bag as it was launched in 1955. Re-designed in the 1980s by Karl Lagerfeld to include the now-iconic CC interlocking closure on the flaps, these bags are referred to by Chanel as part of the “Timeless Classic” collection. Known as the ‘greatest it bag of all time’ it remains a house bestseller and fashion must have.
The classic flap bags are not just a timeless wardrobe staple, they also increase in value over time. As Chanel brings out new iterations of the classics, as well as exciting one-off pieces, it makes people want to own one even more. Over the years there have been many variations to the original 2.55 flap design: the use of leather interwoven through the chain, different leathers and fabrics, single flap vs. the original double flap, different sizes - all which maintains consumer excitement for a bag from the French fashion house.
There was a time when I used to love buying designer handbags, however I quickly grew out of this phase as I started to question their value. I do regret some of my past purchases, luckily, most of the pieces I invested in are classics such as the YSL muse bag or various Lady Dior’s. My Chanel bags were all purchased over ten years ago, unlike others in my collection I have repeatedly worn them all. My favourites are my black classic flap in caviar leather and my grand shopping tote in beige caviar leather. On reflection I wish I had bought the black classic flap with gold hardware rather than silver, nevertheless I have found it to be a bag that ‘goes with everything’ and instantly adds polish to an outfit.
Would I purchase another Chanel bag? Most likely not. Whilst I have considered buying a jumbo/large 2.55 many times in the past, I repeatedly decide against it. Whilst I love my Chanel bags, they all have considerable signs of wear and tear and are particularly susceptible to colour transfer, these bags are just not made to be worn everyday. I do believe however, that a Chanel 2.55 is one of the best investment bags to purchase, all of my bags have a considerably higher re-sale value than what I originally purchased them for. If you want to be sure that your bag will continue to gain value over time, stick with the basics. Go with a classic black Chanel flap bag made in lambskin or caviar leather.
You can find out more about Chanel at